The Digitalization in the Energy Systems Workshop, set to take place on October 24-25 in Istanbul, will discuss technological advancements and disruptions in the various areas of digitalization and the opportunities and the challenges these bring to the energy sector.  Organized jointly with ERRA (Energy Regulators Regional Association) and WEC Turkey, the workshop will explore sector-specific and cross-sectoral regulatory policy options. Discussions will also include questions of cybersecurity, access to data, and privacy. Specific case studies, such as smart grids, will provide a direct insight into the practical applications of digitalization.



09:00 – Keynote Presentation

Speaker: Bayraktar, Alparslan

Deputy Minister, Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Turkey, Former Chairman, ERRA; Chairman, ERRA Strategic Advisory Board

09:20 – Setting the Scene I: What is digitalization?

This session will take stock of the 3 main elements of digitalization: data, connectivity and analytics. It will present the possible impacts on transport, buildings and the energy industry.

Moderator: Bayraktar, Alparslan

Deputy Minister, Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Turkey, Former Chairman, ERRA; Chairman, ERRA Strategic Advisory Board

Speakers: Finger, Matthias

Professor, Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland

Video Presentation by Luis Munuera, Strategic Initiatives Office, International Energy Agency

10:45 – Coffee break
11:15 – Setting the Scene II: How is digitalization transforming the electricity systems functions?
This session will highlight the anticipated transformations of our electricity systems and will shed light on new developments, such as decentralization, smart demand responses, smart distribution grids, etc.

Moderator: Finger, Matthias

Professor, Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland

Speaker: Köksal, Emin

Associate Professor, Bahcesehir University

Speaker: Wasilewski, Marcin

Head of Business, ABB

Speaker: Woodhouse, Stephen
Chief Digital Officer, ÅF Pöyry

12:45 – Lunch
14:00 – The DSO perspective on digitalization
DSO representatives will speak about the impact of digitalization on distribution system operations, focusing, among others, on the need for redesigning the value chain, connectivity, data ownership, and cyber security.
Scope of the presentation of Mr. Randna: How digitalization changes grid data management. Smart metering and digitalized market interaction.Impacts of smart metering on CAPEX and OPEX. DSO innovation
Moderator: Finger, Matthias

Professor, Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland

Speaker: Can, Serhat

Director, ÅF Pöyry

Randna, Taavo

Member of the Management Board, Elektrilevi, Estonia

Speaker: Twickler, Henning

Senior Policy Advisor, E.DSO

15:30 – Coffee Break

15:50 – Digital security I: Data access and customer privacy
The session will take stock of digital security challenges by focusing on access to data, data usage and ownership, privacy concerns.

Moderator: Finger, Matthias

Professor, Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland

Speaker: Bilgiç Aksari, Melis

Chief Operating Officer, MTX Commodities Ltd., United Kingdom

17:00 – Adjourn


Moderator: Köksal, Emin

Associate Professor, Bahcesehir University

09:05 – The TSO perspective on digitalization
TSO represesentative will explain their strategy towards dealing with increased variable generation in the system, the need for enhanced cooperation and the exchange of information among TSOs, along with cyber security measures.

Moderator: Köksal, Emin

Associate Professor, Bahcesehir University

Speaker: Junghans, Gatis

Member of the Board, Latvian electricity transmission system operator AST “Augstsprieguma tīkls”, Latvia

10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Digital security II.: Cyber Security
This session will focus on the cyber security aspects of digitalization and will discuss topics such as cyber security strategies, digital resilience, cross-border interdependencies, possible prevention of cyber attacks, as well as the role of the regulators.

Moderator: Köksal, Emin

Associate Professor, Bahcesehir University

Speaker: Bracco, Stefano

Knowledge Manager/Security Officer, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

Speaker: Ercin, Özden

Cyber Security and Risk Coordinator, Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation, Turkey

12:30 Lunch


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