Assesment of a Carbon Tax as a Tool to Decorbonize Turkey’s EnErgy Supply 2050
Assesment of a Carbon Tax as a Tool to Decorbonize Turkey’s Energy Supply 2050
I am pleased to present to you the first issue of our new Report Series. The series aims at concise yet thorough treatment of an infrastructure topic of policy relevance for Turkey and the region. We plan to publish two such Reports every year. This first issue is...
Turkish Competition Board (“TCB”) Has Launched an Investigation Against Facebook for its Recent Implementation Concerning Data Sharing Preferences
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging application in Turkey, although Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media. According to the 2020 Report by Gemius,2 Instagram has 40,080,825 users in Turkey, Facebook has 31,236,479 users, and Twitter…
Special issue of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI) on “Regulating district heating”
In the context of decarbonization, district heating is bound to have a promising future, especially if heat (or cold) is generated from renewable energy sources (e.g., waste treatment plants, geothermal sources). However, district heating displays all the...