We provide thought leadership for practitioners, i.e., policy-makers, regulators and regulated firms facing rapid changes due to liberalization and digitalization.
We do so by way of highly structured, problem-centered and result-oriented forums involving all the relevant stakeholders, high-level conferences, executive trainings and policy advice.
The Center is operating under the auspices of Istanbul Technical University. It is governed by a board composed of regulators and donor firms. Its academic integrity is assured by way of a scientific advisory board.
Assesment of a Carbon Tax as a Tool to Decorbonize Turkey’s EnErgy Supply 2050
Special issue of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI) on “Competition versus Sector-specific Regulation”
Ever since the de- and re-regulation of the network industries, competition regulation and sector-specific regulation overlap, in some sectors, more than in others. This special issue of CRNI will look at how competition and sector-specific regulation overlap both...
Special issue of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI) on “Digital Public Services”
The different network industries have traditionally been in support of public policies. They often have public or universal services missions or even concrete mandates. As digitalization starts to intermediate many of the traditional network industry (services),...
IC4R participated in the Turkey Energy Summit
IC4R participated in the Turkey Energy Summit which brings the entire energy sector together creating an ambience for discussions on current subjects between the delegates. GALLERY