Nov 20, 2020 | Call for papers
In the context of decarbonization, district heating is bound to have a promising future, especially if heat (or cold) is generated from renewable energy sources (e.g., waste treatment plants, geothermal sources). However, district heating displays all the...
Nov 20, 2020 | Call for papers
Ever since the de- and re-regulation of the network industries, competition regulation and sector-specific regulation overlap, in some sectors, more than in others. This special issue of CRNI will look at how competition and sector-specific regulation overlap both...
Nov 20, 2020 | Call for papers
The different network industries have traditionally been in support of public policies. They often have public or universal services missions or even concrete mandates. As digitalization starts to intermediate many of the traditional network industry (services),...
Dec 9, 2019 | Call for papers
Cities are increasingly congested. This is as much due to passenger transport as it is to the transport of goods (logistics). In response, cities – often in the absence of any national-level regulation – are trying to regulate themselves, often by putting requirements...